Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Games to do in the car!

Hey Guys!

So today I decided to do a post on games to do in the car. It’s pretty short right now, but as I get new ones I will do a second post later on.
These are games you could do pretty much anywhere, not just in the car. Tell me what you think in the comments!

The 7 Second Game:
Requires buddies
This is one is simple. Grab a stopwatch and tell your friend something like “name 5 states!” He/She will have 7 seconds to name 5 states. If he/she can’t do it within the 7 seconds, you give her a new thing (“name 6 animals” maybe) and they will go again. When they get it right or failed 4 times, hand him/her the stopwatch and tell her to give you a thing.
If you have more than 2 people playing, determine a rotation and hand the stopwatch to the next person in the rotation. The person that said everything in the 7 seconds the most wins!

Don’t get me started:
Requires buddies
Get your stopwatch out again and have your friend give you a topic. You have to go on an angry rant about that topic for a minute without stopping, saying uh or um or going off topic. The topic can be anything from Hermione Granger to fish. If you mess up, you have to go again with a different topic. The person with the most finished rants wins!

I’m having a party:
Requires 3+ buddies
Your car just turned into an ‘invite-only’ party! You can only attend if you are bringing something.
The person hosting says “I’m having a party and I am bringing               and              .” These two things have something in common and everyone else has to guess what it is and bring something  that has that thing.
For example, they could say “clouds and pillows”.  The thing in common there could be fluffy things, so you have to say something fluffy, like ‘cotton balls’. The person hosting will then tell you if you can attend the party.
The thing in common could be anything from things that are in the water (sharks and kelp) to the alphabet (apples, bees, candy). Use your imagination!

See you later!


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