Thursday, January 14, 2016


So there is a new dessert that has been going around the internet for a little while.
Gummy Bear Sprite popsicles.
Delicious, right?
Since these thing had sprite AND gummy bears, I decided to try them with the knowledge that even if I didn’t like them, my 8 and 3 year-old siblings would.

You will need:
Gummy Bears
Popsicle maker

Fill your popsicle maker ¾ full with Sprite (mine are a little too full here).

Now drop in lots of gummy bears!!

Put the caps on the popsicle maker and put the whole thing in the freezer. Let it sit there overnight.

When you take them out run them under hot water for a minutes or two. This will melt the outside layer of popsicle and make it so the popsicles will slide right out. I will warn you: these popsicles are a sugary mess. While they weren’t my favorite, Audrey and Josh came racing back asking for more. If you have some small siblings that would enjoy something like this (like my own) this is very easy to make!

Have fun!

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