Monday, January 25, 2016

Paleo Chocolate Chip Cookies!

Hi guys!

Guess what? It’s time for another recipe!!
Yay! Woo hoo!

Okay, you probably aren’t that excited about another recipe. I think, however, that you will like this one should you choose to make it. :)
Now it’s time to make Paleo Chocolate Chip cookies!
Source: Livin Paleo

You will need:
1 ¼ cups Almond flour (the more fine it is, the better)
¼ tsp Salt
¼ tsp Baking Soda
¼ cup Coconut Oil
¼ cup Honey
1 tsp Vanilla Extract
½ Dark Chocolate chips

Preheat the oven to 350°F.

Mix the almond flour, salt and baking soda together in a small bowl. Set aside.

Microwave the coconut oil for 10 seconds to soften it. The lady I borrowed this from stressed that the coconut oil should not be melted so I will too. Don’t melt the coconut oil! You will have to refrigerate your dough for roughly half an hour before you bake them! It should only soft and malleable.

Combine the honey, coconut oil and vanilla extract.

Add in the dry ingredients and mix well. I recommend using a mixer for this, as it is very thick.

Now mix in the chocolate chips!

Now roll the dough into several balls. Mine were about 1in balls and I think the cookies came out a little too big because they flatten a lot. So make them a little smaller than that.

Now set them inside them oven for 8-10 minutes, or until they look a little like this:

When they first come out of the oven, do not even try to move them. They are super soft and will start to fall apart, as proven by the second cookie in the bottom row (I ate the other half of the evidence, sorry.)

When they cool be sure to arrange them in an artsy way for your blog or parents/grandparents/friends etc.
Or don’t, you may not have the patience to wait any longer before you can dig in. I won’t judge. ;)

And you are finished! These are so good and they are nice and chewy too! Enjoy!

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Charging Station

Hi guys!

Welcome to my first sewing tutorial!!

So I saw a photo of a charging station from this website and decided I wanted to make my own version. Hope you like it!

You will need:
Two different fabrics (you could use just one, but it looks nicer if you use two)
Fusible interfacing
Sewing machine*
*not shown

EDIT: Fusible interfacing is also known as fusible fleece. Just thought I'd throw that out there.

You might be able to do this with just a needle and thread or a hot glue gun, but the sewing machine makes it good and strong and it also looks nicer. :)

Don’t forget to iron out your fabric before starting.
Time to measure out your fabric! You want your fabric to be 3 times the length of the phone. Use a pencil or chalk and make a mark at the bottom of your phone, then move it down below the mark and repeat 2 times. Be sure to leave some seam allowance!

To figure out how wide you want the fabric to be, turn your phone sideways and make a mark at the end of it. Remember your seam allowance!

Once you’ve cut out your first piece lay it on top of the second fabric. Cut it to be the same size as the first piece.

Now iron the back of your lining fabric to the interfacing. This helps you to make sure your cuts are accurate.

Once you cut everything out lay fabric A on top of fabric B with the good sides together.

Sew on the black line. Make sure you leave an opening on one of the long sides.

Now cut a rectangle out of the top of the fabric. Mine was 2in x 1in.

Now stick your hand between the two fabric layers and turn it right-side out.

Pin the hole in the side and top stitch around the edge.

Now to finish off the hole I did a very small zig-zag around the edge. Unless you know your sewing machine extremely well you are going to want to test this on a scrap piece of fabric. Once you have all the settings right you can sew around the edge of the hole. I went around two times to be safe.

You are almost done! Now take your phone and measure how big you want the pocket to be. Sew up the sides of the pocket.

And you are done!! I really like the way mine turned out and I think it’s nice to not have to put my phone on the floor when it’s charging!

When your phone is done charging just unplug the cord and put it inside the pocket for easy storage. :)

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial! Like I said this is my first sewing how-to so feedback on how I did would be appreciated! Have fun sewing!

P.S. If your cord is too long for the pocket (or if you just want a shorter cord) you can wrap it tightly around a screwdriver and blow dry it on high for 5 minutes or on low for 15 minutes.
The result is this:

Taken from here: 1000 Life Hacks

Monday, January 18, 2016

Life Hacks!

Hi there!!

So today I have decided to write up a list of life hacks that I compiled frommm…..the internet. As you can see I did a few of them so you have a little proof. Enjoy!

1. If you have a smartphone and you want to take it somewhere potentially dangerous (i.e. the pool, the shower, use it while you are painting) put it inside a small ziploc baggie. This will protect it from most of the elements and you can still use it through the baggie! Just don’t dunk it.

2. Another smartphone hack: get a pair of sunglasses, set them down on a flat surface upside down (closed) and set your phone on them so it’s sitting on the sunglasses. Instant phone holder!

3. Use a lego man to hold charging cords when you are not using them!

4. Save an old ketchup or mustard bottle, wash it out and pour (cupcake, pancake) batter in it for when you need an easy to pour your batter.

5. Freeze a wet sponge in a small ziploc for an icepack that won’t leak when it melts.

6. When you eat a strawberry, use a straw to core it and get rid of the stem easily!

7. If you put your smartphone in a bowl while it’s playing music it will amplify the sound.

8. Find tiny lost items like earrings and small legos by putting a thin sock or cloth over the end of the vacuum hose. The suction will hold the small item to the cloth!

9. Traveling and need a way to hold your earrings? Just use a button!

10. Use a clothespin to hold a nail while you are hammering it to avoid hammering your fingers.

So there is 10 different life hacks at your fingertips! Have fun life hacking!

*None of these are my own. You can find them on Pinterest.

Thursday, January 14, 2016


So there is a new dessert that has been going around the internet for a little while.
Gummy Bear Sprite popsicles.
Delicious, right?
Since these thing had sprite AND gummy bears, I decided to try them with the knowledge that even if I didn’t like them, my 8 and 3 year-old siblings would.

You will need:
Gummy Bears
Popsicle maker

Fill your popsicle maker ¾ full with Sprite (mine are a little too full here).

Now drop in lots of gummy bears!!

Put the caps on the popsicle maker and put the whole thing in the freezer. Let it sit there overnight.

When you take them out run them under hot water for a minutes or two. This will melt the outside layer of popsicle and make it so the popsicles will slide right out. I will warn you: these popsicles are a sugary mess. While they weren’t my favorite, Audrey and Josh came racing back asking for more. If you have some small siblings that would enjoy something like this (like my own) this is very easy to make!

Have fun!

Monday, January 11, 2016

Lava Lamp


So today my siblings and I were out to test a popular tutorial: DIY Lava Lamps.
Let’s just say things did not go as planned.

This was our result. Our bubbles were not nearly as big and wondrous as the how-to’s were (see the link).

We also tried it in a water bottle that was similar to the ones the how-to mentioned. We did get better results but still not very satisfactory.

We did put the dye in the water before we put the water in the oil because we do not have liquid dye, only the really concentrated stuff. That’s the only notable thing we did differently though.
Oh well. Hopefully the next project we try will be more successful!

Sorry for the short post by the way. I meant it to be a tutorial but, as you know, the tutorial didn’t work out. :)

Have a nice day!

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Cinnamon Apples


So today’s post is pretty short because I am sick and I don’t feel like doing large crafts or recipes. Cinnamon Apples are still pretty good though!

You will need:
An apple

Slice your apple and put all the slices in a bowl.
Add a ¼ cup of water and microwave (covered) for 2 minutes.

They should look mushy and kind-of resemble a peach.

Transfer to a plate, sprinkle on a whole lot of cinnamon and eat! These taste like apple pie and everybody that tried them loved them! Even my picky little brother. So they must be good. :) Enjoy!

Monday, January 4, 2016

Bath Stuff.


So today we are going to make….

….drum roll please...

... sugar scrubs!
So in case you don’t know what sugar scrubs are, I will tell you. You can use these in the shower to make your skin all soft and stuff. You scrub it on, and then rinse it off. Easy-peasy.
I made some for my mom for Christmas and she is loving it! So without further ado, let’s make sugar scrubs!

You will need:
½ cup coconut oil
1-2 cups white sugar
Food coloring (optional)
Extract (I’m using lemon extract)

Melt the coconut oil in the microwave for about 20 seconds or until it is soft. Mix the coconut oil with the sugar thoroughly. The more sugar you put in, the more the scrub is going to exfoliate.

Add your extract and food coloring. I didn’t have the liquid food coloring so I used the mega-concentrated stuff and that worked fine. I wanted to mention that the only reason my scrub is so smooth-looking is that I mashed it down with the spoon. Don’t fret if your scrub isn’t as smooth as this. Just mash it with your spoon. :)

And you are done! Dump all you sugar scrub into a small jar and tie some brown twine around it to make it look all fancy and stuff.
Or don’t. It’s your decision.
But I think it’s a nice touch.

Oh, and if you ever feel the need to eat this stuff go ahead. Just not too much. It’s about 80% sugar.
