Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Low Carb Pizza!

Hey guys!

I finally had a chance to take photos for the pizza recipe! I love this recipe so much because it is super easy to make and your pizza comes out with a normal texture, not soggy and horrible like a lot of cauliflower recipes will do. Which means you can finally pick up your low-carb pizza!

You Will Need:

1 ½ cups cheese (you can do all cheddar or a mozzarella and cheddar mix)
¾ cups almond flour plus some for adjustments
1-2 tablespoons cream cheese
1 egg

Preheat the oven to 425F and set a silpat on a cookie sheet. You need to do this now because your hands will be messy later.

Melt the cheese in the microwave using 20 second increments. When the cheese is a little bubbly you can stop.

Add in all the ingredients and start mixing with a spoon or fork. When the cheese cools a little (so you can handle it without getting burnt) dig in! Use your hands to mix it really well.

If it's still sticky like the photo you can add a tablespoon or two of almond flour.

Then press it out onto the cookie sheet. You can shape this any way you want. I did a heart for Valentine's Day!

Then bake it for 7-10 minutes. This is a little more done then I usually do, but it was still delicious!

Then top as you like and bake for a minute or two more to melt cheese and such.

And you are done! I love this pizza so much I could go on forever about it. But I won't because that would probably get boring. In short, definitely try this for yourself!

See you next week!



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