Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Nummy Snacks!

I am very sorry that I missed yesterday's post. We were busy making tons of baby blankets. If you would like me to do a post on that, let me know. I will be making more!

So today I was hungry.
Not quite the news flash you were expecting I bet.
This time I got something good out of it.
Besides food, I mean.
I got a blog post!
So now I present to you:

Vegetable Burst:
(no, it’s not fancy. I just tried to make it sound like something you would want to make.)

You will need:
Mini Carrots

Get a plate and bowl.
I got my trusty Peter Rabbit plate.
The bowl is just a plain bowl, sorry.

Now pour some ranch into the bowl, arrange the carrots around the bowl, place the olives in seemingly-random places and you are done!
Now you get to eat it! You could even put an olive on a carrot and then dip the top on the olive is the ranch and you get everything in one bit! Amazing-ness!

Cheesy Tortilla
You will need:
Corn tortillas
Shredded cheese

Get a plate and two tortillas.
Put the cheese on one tortilla (try to get it as close to the edges as possible) and then sandwich them.
(Yes, that is the peter rabbit plate again.)

Now microwave for 20-30 seconds.
My cheese was frozen so it took a little longer than that, but it was still delicious!

I know I know, it doesn’t look fancy or good, but my little brother really loved it so it must be good!
How could that adorable little face be wrong?

I hope you make these snacks and maybe you will even like them! Enjoy!

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