I am bored.
Bordy bordy dorb bord borrrrrrrred.
So here is a list of things that I could get up and do right now.
i.e., A list of things to do when you are bored.
- Go into your room, shut the door, then blast your favorite song as loud as you dare and sing along.
- Make silly faces in the mirror.
- Take selfies of said silly faces.
- Annoy your sibling with the fact that you are bored. (Actually, maybe don’t do that.)
- Watch a bunch of commercials and reply to what the person says. For example: “Do you ever wish that your containers would seal?” “No.” And so on.
- Draw silly drawings of your family and friends.
- Send those drawings to the person you drew and ask them to send one back of you.
- Spell the longest word you can think of backwards.
- Make up your own word. Put down a definition and send it to a dictionary company.
- Make M&Ms battle each other (squish two together and the one that doesn’t break moves ahead). Make the winner of the bag a little place of honor on your dresser.
- Do a puzzle.
- Paint your nails.
- Write and send letters.
- Make “Open When” letters.
- Count to 1 million.
- Make a blog post. XD
- Read a book.
- Do some basic exercises.
- Do a photoshoot.
- Take a walk.
- Go to the mall.
- Play Minecraft. Or download Minecraft if you don’t have it. And then play it.
- Take a shower.
- Make a playlist.
- Watch silly animal videos.
- Go on Pinterest.
- Play with your hair.
- Put on some silly outfits.
- Organize your closet.
- Make lists. Of anything. Of everything. Of what you want to get done over the weekend. Of what you want to get done today. Or of what you could do when you are bored. ;)
So there are 30 things to do when you just can’t think of what to do. Yay! Now I am going to do some of these things. Or not. :)
Sadly... I am one who would have to download Minecraft. :-(