Monday, October 19, 2015

Nail Art!

So I’ve been seeing a lot of fun nail art on Pinterest, and some of them look pretty easy.

Now, if you are a long-time Pinterest user, you would know 85% of things on Pinterest are not as easy as they look. And if you are a new Pinterest user, I hope you learn something.

But I was bored. So I did some. Here are the results.

Here is the first one. Pretty simple, right?

The result:
You can see where I had to clean it up a bit. I didn’t go all the way because it was still very wet.

After drying and cleaning:

Not bad, with practice this could come out very nice. I see lots of potential.
Rating: Maybe

So I know this is on a fake nail, but I think it would still work. So let’s see!

The result:
Ummmm… I was wrong.
I stand corrected.
Rating: No.
Moving on!
This is sooo cool. Especially for someone like me who LOVES books!
The Result:
Yay!! It worked!! You can tell I did a terrible job on painting my nail, but other than that, it is totally
a success!!
Rating: Yes Yes Yes!!!
Next art:
So cute!

The Result:
I suppose with practice it could be perfected, but right here, I had no practice, so this is what it is.
Rating: Maybe

So I hope you enjoyed this nail….tutorial? Review? Both? I don’t know, but I had a lot of fun making the post and I hope you had fun reading it.

(And maybe it inspired you to try some of these crazy things. I recommend the word nails. ;) )

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