Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Quick Update...

Hey Guys!

So I figured I should probably give you a quick update...I don't have time right now to do any blogging unfortunately, so no new posts right now. Rowing season has started up again, and lots of school, and those are my priorities.
Thanks for taking the time to view my blog every now and then! If you want to be sure to know when I post again you can enter your email in the bar to the right.

See you later!

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Low Carb Pizza!

Hey guys!

I finally had a chance to take photos for the pizza recipe! I love this recipe so much because it is super easy to make and your pizza comes out with a normal texture, not soggy and horrible like a lot of cauliflower recipes will do. Which means you can finally pick up your low-carb pizza!

You Will Need:

1 ½ cups cheese (you can do all cheddar or a mozzarella and cheddar mix)
¾ cups almond flour plus some for adjustments
1-2 tablespoons cream cheese
1 egg

Preheat the oven to 425F and set a silpat on a cookie sheet. You need to do this now because your hands will be messy later.

Melt the cheese in the microwave using 20 second increments. When the cheese is a little bubbly you can stop.

Add in all the ingredients and start mixing with a spoon or fork. When the cheese cools a little (so you can handle it without getting burnt) dig in! Use your hands to mix it really well.

If it's still sticky like the photo you can add a tablespoon or two of almond flour.

Then press it out onto the cookie sheet. You can shape this any way you want. I did a heart for Valentine's Day!

Then bake it for 7-10 minutes. This is a little more done then I usually do, but it was still delicious!

Then top as you like and bake for a minute or two more to melt cheese and such.

And you are done! I love this pizza so much I could go on forever about it. But I won't because that would probably get boring. In short, definitely try this for yourself!

See you next week!



Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Fun things to do with friends!

Hey Guys!
It’s raining here, which makes me very happy because my workspace is on the top floor and I can hear the rain on the roof.
Anyway, a friend and I have put together a list of things to do with your friend(s). Feel free to consult it if you are in need of entertainment.

Fun things to do with friends:
Go to an arcade.
Go to a theme park
Take all the photos
Dance and sing
Pool your resources and do something extra
Exercise...then laugh at your failures
Play video games
Place bets on a coin toss
Play trivia...and place bets
Draw portraits of each other
Make food
Make sweets
Craft competition
Pinterest craft competition!
Window shop...then “accidentally” buy stuff
Lip sync battle
Style switch!
Read books
Watch a movie
Watch a super cheesy movie and laugh at it
Hang out at a library...or bookstore
Drive each other to a random place, then judge it on interest, beauty and how funny it is.
Do each other’s makeup.
Do imitations
Play charades  

If you do any of these things, please tell me in the comments below, or share a photo with me on Instagram @lilyingeneral42.

See you next week!


Thursday, February 9, 2017

Valentine's Day DIY's!

Hey Guys!

I’m sure you’ve noticed that Valentine’s Day is coming up, and with it lots of fun decorations! I’ve put together a compilation of my favorite ideas so take a look:

Flowers with a twist:
Flowers are a Valentine’s staple, but they are even more fun when surrounded by M&M’s! Put the flowers and water in a small vase, then set it in a larger vase and pour in the M&M’s. You could do this with flameless candles as well.

3D Heart Ornaments:
I made these last year with my little sister and they turned out really well! Cut out 3 or 4 hearts the same size, then (optional) fold each one in half. Glue half of one heart to half of another heart, then repeat this until you have come full circle. Then punch a hole in the heart and pull the string through and knot it. And you’re finished!

3D Wall Hearts:
This is another one I had fun with. It’s tricky at first, but once you get the hang of it you can make them really quick! Go to How About Orange for the full tutorial.

Heart Garland:
I make these every year in different color combination because I love it! Click the picture to see the full post.

Pom Pom Pillow:
This one is a bit more long-lasting, but super versatile. Put a piece of cardboard inside the pillowcase to protect it, then trace your design onto a pillowcase using chalk or a pencil. Finally hot glue pom poms on, following the lines. Easy peasy!

Yarn Hearts:
Now you know what to do with all your yarn! Cut some cardboard to look like a heart, then tape the yarn to it and start wrapping! Finish by knotting the yarn around a previous loop.

And that’s a wrap! I hope you enjoyed this post and found something you might like to make. ;) If you do make something be sure to tell me in the comments below!

See you next week!
