Thursday, November 17, 2016

Name Change

Hey Guys!

I said I would post something explaining the name changes in the last post, so here I am!

My new title is Lily in General, as you may have guessed from the new URL ( ). I changed it because I think this name fits the blog better. It’s a bit more all-encompassing, so I don’t have to worry about my name sounding like a lifestyle etc. website when the blog really isn’t.
Another bonus is that now the name and the URL are the same, so you don’t have to work to remember both!
My Instagram and Pinterest usernames are now lilyingeneral42 to fit the blog title. :)

Thanks again for your patience! :D

Monday, November 14, 2016

3D Snowflakes

Hey guys!

I apologize for not posting the past couple weeks, my family has been very busy. But now I’m back!

Today’s post is a little out of season as Thanksgiving hasn’t even passed yet. But I found some pictures on Pinterest and decided I wanted to make a blog post on it. So if you want to get a head start on decorating for Christmas this post is for you!

You will need:
A pencil
A stapler
6 pieces of paper
A ruler

Cut your paper into a square. I am just using computer paper, but you can also use colored paper.

With your paper still folded in a triangle begin drawing your lines. You will need to draw three triangles total, getting smaller as you go down.

This is my triangle with the second set of lines.

I’ve edited this photo for convenience. :) The red lines are where you need to cut. Do not cut the triangles out. You want the paper to still be in one piece.

It should look something like this.
With the loose corners on the side, roll the middle diamond until the corners overlap. Secure it with tape.

Now take the second diamond and roll it over the first, with the corners overlapping. Secure it with more tape.

Now turn the paper upside down so that the first two rolls are on the bottom. Tape the next roll.

Now turn it back so the first two rolls are facing you. Tape the final roll.

The side of it should look like this.

Now repeat to make 5 more petals.

Here are all my petals lined up.
Now it’s time to connect them!

This bit is rather simple. These photo are half of my snowflake stapled. The red circles are where you want to staple it.

Start by taping two petals together where they touch. Then staple it (the tape helps hold it together while you get the stapler.) Then add the third one the same way.

Now take the inner corners of two of the petals and tape them so they overlap.
Then add the third corner over that and staple it.

Once you have the three petals bunched together repeat to make the other half. Your snowflake should look something like this.

Now staple the middle and the petals that are not connected.

And you are done! Your snowflake is now ready to hang up! A few pieces of tape were all I needed to hang up my snowflake, so now I have a fun (early) Christmas decoration!

Let me know in the comments if you gave this a try, or if you will try it out in December! :)
See you later!

(Btw: My url is now I will put out a post explaining and finishing all the name changes soon. Thanks for your patience!)