Monday, May 23, 2016

Hey Guys!

So today there will be no new post (other than what you are reading right now). There will be a new post like normal next week. See you then!


Monday, May 16, 2016

How to make a Dresser Catcher


Most of you have dressers, I’m sure. If you do you probably keep stuff on top of your dresser. You  know, collectables and the like. Now, if you do this, you have probably lost a few items to what I like to call “The Void”.
If you don’t know what I’m talking about, don’t worry! It’s just the space between your dresser and the wall.
Anyway, I have this problem...a lot. So I decided to fix it!

You will need:
A sock
Styrofoam balls (or pillow fluff)
-embroidery thread
-hot glue

Now that you have all your things, let’s get started!

Fill your sock with the styrofoam balls. You could also use pillow fluff. Just make sure you fill the sock completely. This will take some patience, but stick with it!
When you have finished filling the sock, tie it off. I just used some ribbon, but anything would work.

You can just stop here and use it as is, or you can decorate it. I decided to make mine some braids and a skirt. For the braids I just braided some embroidery thread and hot glued a black ribbon on the bottom.
For the skirt I just hot glued a rectangle of fabric onto the same black ribbon and tied it.
Nothing fancy. :)

And you are done! I have been using this for a while now and it has really helped with my problem. Enjoy your new dresser catcher!
I'm not very good at names.


Monday, May 9, 2016

Cinnamon Sugar Chips!

Hi Guys!

So I stumbled across this recipe when I was just roaming around Pinterest. I tried it, and I really enjoyed it, so now I’m going to share it with you!

You will need:
Cinnamon Sugar

Now if you haven’t ever made cinnamon sugar don’t fret! It’s just cinnamon and sugar mixed together. The lady on It’s Always Autumn says that she makes it 4 parts sugar to 1 part cinnamon, but that seems like a lot to me so I really think you should just go by taste.

Preheat your oven to 425F.
Now melt your butter until it’s good and liquid...y. Then slather it on to the tortillas and sprinkle on a generous amount of cinnamon sugar. Try to get everything as even as possible.

Cut the tortillas into slices with a pizza slicer and stick them in the oven. The original post says it will take 10-13 minutes, but mine took roughly 5 with the “quick bake” button.

And that’s it! I didn’t have any fruit on hand for a dip, so I made some whipped cream. I think I prefered the chips without it though. They were really sweet and delicious!

Be sure to comment if you tried these and tell me how they turned out. See you next week!


Monday, May 2, 2016

A Very Hungry Caterpillar cake!

Hey Guys!

So recently my sisters and I were charged with the task of making a Very Hungry Caterpillar cake. Here are some photos!

First we started with a vanilla cake mix and turned it green.

We baked the batter into lots of cupcakes and filled one ramekin with some of the batter to make a head. :)

My sisters did the decorating of the cupcakes so I didn’t get any photos there. All that happened was they frosted the cupcakes with a chocolate frosting and then put the green jelly beans on. Then I added the head…

...frosted it…

...and added the face! I used chocolate chips for the eyes and nose and I cut some black licorice for the antennae.

There is the whole cake! I think it turned out really well (the cake, not the photo) and it was delicious. :)

And that’s about it! Be sure to subscribe for an email whenever I post and leave a comment telling me if you have ever made a cake like this.
See you next week!
